FREE Weight Loss Challenge!

tending the temple challenge

It’s back!  The Tending the Temple weightloss challenge has returned!  Named after my column in The Journal of Student Ministries (you can find some of my columns in the Articles page of my site), it’s an absolutely FREE weight loss competition – an opportunity for YOU to lose some weight before the holidays, have some fun with a bunch of others, and maybe even win a couple hundred bucks worth of prizes (I’ll post it in a few days – still putting it all together!)!  We’ll start on September 22nd and finish December 15th!  Like previous times, we’ll be running somewhat alongside season eight of Biggest Loser!

The rules are pretty simple … to be a part of the competition you need to email me ( two photos and some contact info (the photos and contact info will NOT be puslished on my site). One photo needs to be a full body ‘before’ photo (with your clothes on!!!), the second needs to be a starting weight photo – in other words, a close up photo of your feet on the scale with your weight on the readout. For the sake of keeping things honest about the timing of the starting and finishing weights, I’ll post an image that needs to be printed and present in the weighing photo on Sunday, September 20th.

The final weigh in needs to happen on the same scale as the starting weight, and there will a different image that needs to be printed off and included in that photo which will be posted here around December 13th.

If you’re going to participate you need to send me your weight each Tuesday (yup, weigh in day is the same day as Biggest Loser – it’s a good reminder!). Weekly weigh-ins are great accountability, and while I won’t be posting people’s weights, I will announce the Honor Roll; people that have lost 1% or more of their starting weight that week (always an impressive feat!), as well as the Biggest Loser of the week!

As far as losing the weight … I want you to do it in as healthy a way as possible! Here are some resources that I have put together that you can incoporate into your weight loss plan:

On my Weight Loss page I have a summary of the plan I followed and sample journal pages from my own calorie counting.  On my Articles page, there are a bunch of different health related articles I have written, and on my Audio page there are audio files you can download and listen to from my weight loss groups that I have led.  All of it is free, so download as much or as little as you want!

Questions? Post ‘em here! It should be a lot of fun and a great way to get healthy together!  Blog/Twitter/Carrier Pigeon about the competition – spread the word!  The more we have, the better it is!

20 thoughts on “FREE Weight Loss Challenge!

  1. I need to do this again! Since ankle surgery in April I've gained 9 pounds back and STILL am not at the weight I was when I won your first one. I'm completely ashamed!!! I'm in just for the weight loss part and support. I hope I can get my butt into gear.



  2. I was hoping you were going to do this again, Matt! I've lost about 11 more pounds since the last one ended, which is great. However, I'm ready to get 100% serious again and this challenge is what I need!


  3. Sweet, Matt! I haven't visited your site in a while. BL flew me out for finals for BL8, but I didn't make the cut. All is good. Seems like the stories I'm hearing, some needed the opportunity more than I did. I'm doing it on my own. From 274 to 248. This challenge will help motivate me through the holidays, thanks!!!!!


  4. Tara – congratulations on your weight loss so far! I've lost 110 lbs since Season 6, and am working on the final 50 or so lbs 🙂

    Betsy – I'm so happy to see you taking on this challenge!


  5. Hi Everyone!

    I am so excited to "START OVER"….my husband Alex and I did it last time and did pretty good. We have gained back over the summer but we are SOOOO excited to get going!

    Thank you Matt! Can't wait for us all to be in touch again and get this weight off together!

    Lisa J.


  6. Hi Everyone,

    I also very excited. My son and I auditioned for BL9,, made it as far as the first cb. My son has been doing well on his own,but he works nights so we can't go to the gym together. He and a buddy are doing great and I am happy for that…Now I need to get started..Thanks Matthew for putting this together.


  7. Hey Matt,

    I'm in, too! Please post the imnge that needs to be in the photos of us on the scale, so that we can print it out and be ready for Tuesday!

    I'm a little concerned because the only scale I have is an old-fashioned upright (doctor's type) scale with the sliding weights. It is extrememely accurate! A photo of my feet won't tell you anything and a full length photo will probably not give enough detail to show the actual weight. I can send several photos if that would work. Please email me and let me know how you'd like me to handle this issue because I definitely NEED to participate!

    I'm still a little bummed that we didn't get the call to sequester for BL9 because my partner and I were getting calls and emails until early August, but we are both very interested in your Tending the Temple weight loss challenge. I just finished your Destination Transformation book and I'm all inspired and ready to go. Hope to hear from you soon!


  8. Hey, Just wondering if I am the only one that can't find the image we are suppose to print off for our pictures? I can't seem to find it. I am in 100%, ready to take my pictures and send them your way. Let me know. Thank you for your time and for this contest! I know this must take a great deal of time and work. So thanks!!! I am way excited!! 🙂


  9. ARG! Fall is so busy for a teacher! tonight, I'll email Matt my starting pics, and post my weight (which I have to find out myself…). The higher stress has lead to some night time eating and not as much sleep! ARG! We all know what happens when you stress… loss slows!!! Until later


  10. matt, 248.8 this evening… emailing you beginning pics from a week ago later tonight as kids allow.

    AKA: RI girl winning the race!

    Tara Z


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