My favorite workout buddy

One of the keys to a regular exercise program is finding a system that is fun for you!  For some, this means joining a sports team, for others it means being outside whatever the weather.  For me, it’s all about treadmill and the eliptical.  I don’t know if it’s because so much of what I do is with people or what, but I actually find it incredibly relaxing to to plant myself on some exercise equipment, pop in my headphones and tune out for an hour while I get work my heart to a frenzy (for those of you wondering, my heart rate is usually cruising around 160-180 for the hour).  But what makes this work for me is having something good to watch or listen to … and that’s why I love the Ipod Nano.  You can see how tiny it is in the promo picture; these little bad boys can hold music, movies, tv shows, podcasts and more.  Absolutely fantastic.

I actually bought a piece of software a while back from AOA Media that enables me to rip DVD’s.  Now, as I understand it, I’m not breaking any copyright laws because I am ripping DVDs that I own onto my Ipod – it would be a different story if I was ripping movies I don’t own.  Anyway, now I’ve got a collection of Star Trek and The Office episodes, as well as a certain season three of The Biggest Loser, all ripped onto my iTunes.  I’ve also got some of my favorite movies on their, great workout music and the handful of podcasts I follow (Doug Fields Podcast, Jillian Michaels, Who are these guys?, Skit Guys, and Youth Specialties).  If you’re wondering what music keeps me cranking, it’s usually David Crowder* Band or Andy Hunter.

All this to say, the IPod is my favorite workout buddy.  It’s what makes the time fly for me – and it makes it relaxing!  So what works for you?  What keeps you enjoying your exercise times?

14 thoughts on “My favorite workout buddy

  1. My Ipod is my friend too. I actually prefer to workout alone otherwise it becomes more about competition than anything else…which leads to shame and all sorts of other self-deprecating non useful thoughts. So Ipod it is and on there is all sorts of stuff…C+C Music Facotry, Canton Jones, LeCrae, David Crowder…anything with a bit that I find inspirational…I even have the AMerican Symphony from Mr. Holland's Opus on there.!!!


  2. Hey, my friend was an extra in Mr. Holland's Opus; he played one of the students in the first class he had for the first third/half of the movie. I always have fun watching that film. : )


  3. No way…nex time I go back home to visit, I am gonna have to watch mom;s copy and figure out which one is the friend of McNutt!!


  4. lol … yeah, he's a little hard to spot; he was in the back of the classroom so mostly you just get glimpses of him. On top of that, if you watch the pan and scan version instead of the widescreen version, he's cut out even more! : )


  5. 160-180?!!! good night bro! I'm dying at 148-152…okay, that's an exageration. But at 160+ I really am dying! you are the man! I gotta crank it up!


  6. Where did you get the ripper? We have an 8 hour flight and I would love to get some movies ripped to Bens Ipod. I wonder if it would convert to the zune as well?


  7. Matt I got the ripper but every time I try the audio is always 3 or 4 seckonds behind the video. Any suggestions?


  8. Yeah, different dvds have different encoding so some dvds have audio issues
    if you do it the standard way. If you click on the settings option (light
    bulb button) and then click on the "advanced" tab you can go to the "audio
    problem" tab and change it. "auto" and "enhanced" have never worked for me,
    but "forced" usually does the trick. : )

    Hope that helps!


  9. Thanks Matt! That did the trick!! I now have pirates on both my Zune and Bens Ipod!
    With more to come.

    Take cae And have a great weekend!!

    TTFN, Tom


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