Week 17 challenge results and final weigh in instructions!


Seventeen weeks down, ONE to go!  Can you believe this is it?  I’ll give you the instructions for the final weigh in after we get through this week’s results!

Kim L took the Biggest Loser of the week title with a 1.87% loss!  Loren G was hot on her heels with a 1.75% loss!  You guys are finishing strong!  Susan P, Sean W, Jay P, Amanda K, and Sandra C all get an honorable mention this week for losing over 0.5%!

Keep it up everyone!  We’re almost there!


Here’s how the final weigh in works:  to qualify as a contender for the prize you need to email me (matthewmcnutt@bvbcnet.org)  an after photo of yourself (fully clothed!), and a photo of your feet on the scale with your finishing weight on the scale (it needs to be the same scale as the one you started on).  Somewhere in those photos should be the image above of the fork with the measuring tape (this way we know it’s a current photo!).  Include in your email your full name.  I will NOT be posting the photos online unless I have your permission, so don’t worry about that!  You can take your final weight any time between now and next Tuesday night’s live finale of Biggest Loser on NBC!  I’ll post our winner on Wednesday morning!  Even if you don’t think you’re the winner, still send in your weight – I’d love to see if we’ve broken the thousand pounds lost mark so every pound counts!

Good luck, everyone!!!

27 thoughts on “Week 17 challenge results and final weigh in instructions!

  1. Way to go everyone! I am sorry I can't finish the challenge. Stuid knee. I hope you all will do another and I can at least keep up with everyone.


  2. Hi Karla B! Sorry to hear about your knee.

    Alex and I have had so many life changing events over the past 4 weeks I can't even list them all….we lost another dear friend last week that is 4 in 10 months, put our house on the market, trying to plan to build a new house and the kicker is that I just found out I will be laid off by 8/1 and I carry all the insurance for us and my really great income will be gone… so I have been struggling with not gaining all the weight back. But as of yesterday I have kept it all off so far – whew…

    I pray for a loss next week to finish strong! I hope I'm in the top 5 of this competition.

    Hang in there and do the best you can everyday with your knee.

    Take Care
    Lisa J


  3. Yay!!!! I have never been the biggest loser of the week!!! so excited!!! one more week guys! finish strong!!!if we were runnig a race, our training coach would be telling us to sprint it out, go all out for the final push…never barely finish, but finish with nothing left in you to spend….so go all out guys!!! Finish strong adn spent!!


  4. Kim all that walking paid off. Maybe you just need to contiune walking like that even if the job is done! Way to go..

    Lisa I am sorry to hear all that is going one. That is a tough one. At least they gave you some notice you will be laid off. Maybe something will come along by then, I hope.


  5. Good going Kim! I thought I was going to take the week, but obviously the competition is strong! Keep it up everyone!


  6. Ha Loren! I got lucky….2 not so hot weeks in a row…I think in huge part due to water retention stuff..made for a larger loss this week! You have been doing phenomenal! Keep it up!


  7. I can't believe it is aready the end of this competition. It is kinda sad. 😦 I have really enjoyed learning so much in the past 16 weeks.

    Matt, are you going to be starting another competition anytime soon? I won't even know how to function without sending in my weight and checking for new posts about weightloss. I have really benifited from this, thanks so much for all the hard work you put into it. 🙂


  8. So at our Church on Sunday, we showed a video of our work. Of course all the footage was pre-challenge. Immediately after I got up and spoke. It was a great before and after exhibition. I had so very many positive remarks.

    Any way I weighed in today and have my final results. I was hoping for more at the final, but I have nothing to complain about! I have done well, it shows, I am wearing clothes sizes I have not seen in at least 12 years. I have not quite reached my goal weight, but it is getting closer!

    I wish the very best to each of you on your weight loss journey.


  9. Hi Everyone,

    Alex and I finished and sent in our photos. It is the strangest thing we both lost the EXACT same amount of weight in 18 weeks! How uncanny is that? We are trying very hard to stay focused on the overall positive weight loss we have had and not just the last 5 weeks of struggling. A loss is a loss each week and in the right direction.

    I PRAY Matt that you start another competition right away PLEASE! We really love the support from you all.

    Wishing everyone the best and praying you finished strong.

    I would love to at least maybe make the top 10 list but I know you all are doing great out there! We'll see soon!

    Take Care,
    Lisa J.


  10. I sent in my #'s.
    I am so excited to see all the lbs. lost.
    This challenge has been significant in my
    weightloss success. The weekly accountability
    was what I needed to stay focused.
    Thanks Matt for allowing us to be a part of this.
    God has used you in a mighty way in my life.
    Thanks My "MAINE" man..lol..that still cracks me up.

    Chicks Kick!!!Keeeeeeya!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  11. Congrats to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Matt. Does anyone know when the next season starts????


  12. I keep checkin' to see the results.
    Watch an older person win.
    That has been the tread in the last 12 hrs.LOL


  13. I'm looking forward to the results as well! I feel that I did really well and I can't wait to see where I placed! I'm hoping for the Top 5! I hope the next challenge starts up immediately following this one, so we can keep on reporting our weights. That really keeps me accountable!


  14. OMG i am so nervous for the results — i am so excited to see how well everyone done and if i even done good enough to place anywhere — everyone good luck


  15. I am so glad Wednesday morning is almost over Matt!!
    LOL…Can you tell that we all are anxious???
    and what does the Bible say about being anxious.
    …Be anxious 4 nothing!!!!!! 4-give me, Lord!!


  16. I hear the Jeopardy song in my head guys.
    Okay the buzzzzzer is fixin' to ring.
    LOL….My kids are dying to know…too funny…
    Heck, I am dying to know.


  17. Matt!!! You are terrible. Such a tease!!! I keep checing too, even though I know I am out of the running for the big win (switched scales mid- competition again)….but I still wanna know where I placed…ya know!


  18. I gotta take my youngin to occupational therapy.
    Not wanting to leave yet….
    That's it, I am going to Maine!!!
    I am going to get my BULLHORN and look for
    our fearless leader…..Who's with me???


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